Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Breyerfest Woes

Yup, haven't posted here in a while. I need to get my blogging butt back in shape.

As most model horse collectors know, this week is the week of the infamous Breyerfest. This week also marks the first time since 2008 that I'll be here at home rather than in Kentucky.

It's quite odd for me to think that I'm not going to be getting up at 3 tomorrow morning to embark on the 16 hour journey with my dad as we have been for the past four years. It's always been our big bonding experience every year, and even though he complains throughout the weekend, I know deep down inside he enjoys the whole experience. I totally agree with his gripes towards the drive, though. It is grueling.

I'll definitely miss the experience as a whole, but there are definitely some parts of this year's 'Fest that were definitely... unappealing to say the least. Denim and Diamonds? Really? It's basically Breyerfest 2007 except with a heavy emphasis on country music and lifestyle. No thanks, I'll pass. I've never understood the appeal towards country as a genre, so being bombarded with it for an entire weekend would most likely make me want to tear my hair out. Both the diorama and costume contests left me completely uninspired.

Plus, the weather's going to be nasty (90s, hot and humid), but then again, that's not unlike Massachusetts right now. This summer's been gross.

This year also marked my official aging out of the Youth Show, which has been a part of my Breyerfest experience since I started going in 2009. I toyed with the idea of entering the Open Show this year, but it's quite daunting to say the least.

I'm hoping that next year will have Breyerfest in the cards once more. That, and it will also be a Kentucky NAN year, so I can kill two birds with one stone. Even though the theme's not everything, let's just hope that it isn't something even worse... if we get Breyerfest Pink-a-palooza 2014, I don't know what I'll do.

Until next year, Lexington...